0171 2St Peter’s has been sending mission teams to Guatemala since 2011. Team members range in age from teens to seniors. The focus of the trip is building relationships and enjoying fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ and others we serve. Team leaders and our missionary partners in Guatemala envision where we can work alongside in projects which we typically fund. Projects have included simple building, family photography, teaching, serving food at a nutrition center in a remote area, and visiting with those we are serving. In the past, teams have brought soccer balls and jump ropes. The children love to play games especially with the teen team members.

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Our goal as a team is to look for needs. Open our hearts to feel compassion, to act by gathering as a team, and to pray to determine how to allocate the financial resources gathered. We also base the needs of the Guatemala missions on what we have observed during the mission week and by listening to the needs expressed by the missionary leaders. Team members return from Guatemala feeling they have received more than they gave and many hearts are changed.

If you think God may be calling to you serve in this year's Guatemala Mission Trip.  Please click the "Get Involved "link to let us know.